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Home » Desktop and Laptop Purchasing Standard

Desktop and Laptop Purchasing Standard

Revised August 27, 2013

This standard establishes requirements for participating agencies, except for those agencies exempted under Iowa Code 8A.201 and in support of SF396 passed by the 85th Iowa General Assembly to purchase desktops and laptops via the current Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) contract amendments.

This is a revision of the August 23, 2011 Enterprise Desktop, Laptop, Netbook and Tablet PC Purchasing Standard.  The purchasing of netbooks and tablet PCs have been removed from this particular standard and are addressed by the Enterprise Mobile Device Security Standard.

The State of Iowa uses master contracts to leverage economies of scale when purchasing goods and services. The WSCA contract and its amendments were negotiated to purchase desktops, laptops, netbooks, and tablet PCs. The following WSCA contract amendments became effective on the following dates:

Desktop and Laptop:  Effective April 19, 2011 through August 31, 2012.

  • Amendment one B27164 WSCA participating addendum between the State of Iowa and Hewlett-Packard Company RFB1111005274.

The option to extend the above contract amendment has occurred and is effective through August 31, 2014.

The revised scope of this standard is to direct the use of the applicable WSCA contract amendments for purchasing desktops and laptops. This standard applies to all participating agencies as defined by Iowa Code 8A.201 and in support of SF396 passed by the 85th Iowa General Assembly. Non-participating agencies are encouraged to follow the guidelines in this and other enterprise level policies, standards, guidelines, processes and procedures.

A selected term used in the Enterprise Desktop and Laptop Purchasing Standard is defined below:

Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA): WSCA was formed in October 1993 by the state purchasing directors from fifteen western states.  WSCA’s primary purpose is to establish the means by which participating agencies may join together in cooperative multi-state contracting to achieve cost-effective acquisition of quality products and services. Cooperative purchases are developed by the member states.

The following are the elements of the Enterprise Desktop and Laptop Purchasing Standard.

  • Desktop and Laptop Purchasing: Participating agencies are required to use the current WSCA amendment B27164 for desktop and laptop purchases.

This document shall be reviewed at least every two years and updated as needed.

Effective Date
This revised standard shall be effective August 27, 2013.

This standard shall be enforced pursuant to Iowa Administrative Code 11– 25.5(8A).

A waiver may be submitted to the State’s Chief Information Officer as defined in Iowa Code 8B.21.5.d per the Eighty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa.

Printed from the website on March 28, 2025 at 5:15am.