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Home » Web Site Policy Notices Standard

Web Site Policy Notices Standard

Revised  February 1, 2017


To establish standards for the following types of Policy Notices for Agency Websites:

  • Privacy
  • Terms of Use
  • Non-discrimination and Accommodation
  • Social Media
  • Accessibility


Policy Notices appearing on Agency Web sites have varied considerably. This Standard attempts to achieve greater consistency in Agency use of Policy Notices.

Agencies are advised to link to the policies rather than developing agency specific policies. If an agency deems it necessary to post agency specific policies, the agency should consult with their legal counsel when preparing Policy Notices to make sure that such notices address agency- specific legal requirements and business practices.


Agencies shall comply with this Standard when drafting and using Web Page Policy Notices.


The Department will review this Standard at least every two years and update as needed.


Selected terms used in this Web Page Policy Notice Standard are defined below:

  • Agency - means any participating agency as defined in Iowa Code Section 8B.1(11).
  • Department - means the Office of the Chief Information Officer. .
  • Policy Notice- A notice describing various policies, terms and conditions, disclaimers and requirements applicable to the use of an Agency Website.
  • Web Page - pages that are accessed via the World Wide Web by any Internet user throughout the world. Public-facing Web pages include information available to the general public, but do not include intranets, extranets, or email.

Web Page Policy Notice Standard Practices

Policy Notices. Agencies will link to for the following policies. If the agency needs to modify standard policies they shall ensure the following policies are prominently displayed on their website.

  • Privacy
  • Terms of Use
  • Nondiscrimination and Accommodation
  • Social Media
  • Accessibility
  1. Privacy. Agencies will utilize a Privacy Policy Notice that describes what information is collected from users of agency web pages and how such information is used and treated. The Privacy Policy Notice should also discuss the treatment of such information under Iowa Code Chapter 22. Depending on the information that is collected through an Agency's website, the Agency may need to amend its Fair Information Practice Act rules to comply with the requirements of Iowa Code section 22.11. Agencies are reminded of Iowa Code section 715C requiring a notification to individuals who have had their computerized records containing personal information breached.

    Types of information include:
    1. Contact for Questions about this Policy
    2. Disclaimer – Links to other Sites
    3. Cookies
    4. Public Examination, Copying and Disclosure of Information Collected through this Website
    5. Email Correspondence
    6. Personal Information
  2. Terms of Use. Each Agency will utilize a Terms of Use Policy Notice that describes the terms and conditions which govern a visitor's access to and use of the Agency's website.

    Terms include:
    1. Modification to Terms of Use
    2. Waivers
    3. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    4. Limitation of Liability
    5. Disclaimer of Warranties
    6. Use of Website and Information
    7. Linked Sites and Disclaimer of Endorsement
    8. Prohibition Against Malicious Programming
    9. User’s Obligation to Abide By Applicable Law
  3. Non-discrimination and Accommodation. Agencies will utilize a Non-discrimination Policy Notice on their websites.
  4. Accessibility. Agencies will utilize an Accessibility Policy Notice on their websites.

Web Page Policy Notice Recommended Practices

  1. Agency Web Page Policy Notices should be easily understood by the intended audience.
  2. Agencies collecting list information about users should post a link for people to view the list management policy. The list management policy should contain the following elements:
    1. If the information will be redistributed, reused, duplicated or sold.
    2. What benefit, service or product the person will receive in return for providing the information.
    3. How an individual can be removed or unsubscribe from a list.
    4. How an individual can provide updated information.
  3. Web Page error notices should direct users to a page displaying help desk technical support points of contact and phone numbers.

Effective Date July 1, 2012.

Revised and updated: February 1, 2017.


This standard will be enforced pursuant to Iowa Administrative Code 11 - 25.9 (8A).


Iowa Administrative Code 8B.21(5) provides for variances from information technology operational standards. Requests for a variance from any of the requirements of this policy will be submitted in writing to the State CIO.

Printed from the website on March 28, 2025 at 6:19am.